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Why Devant Travels?

Exclusive discounts on Hotels, Dining, Travel and Entertainment not available to the general public.

No monthly fees and pays daily

Earn even if people don't book their trips

Join today and recieve a 3 to 5 day vacation getaway and a $2000 discount card for Hotel and Travel.


Here's What You Will Recieve

Order Summary

Step by step training and access to our support group.

3500+ vacation locations to choose from every month.

20-70% off travel, dining & entertainment.

$2000 shopping savings card for hotel, travel and even retail.

Amazing incentives like an 7 inch android tablet, $300 restaurant certificate and more.

Join Now For $47 One Time! No Monthly Fees

After you have joined please contact me.

DISCLAIMER: Must be U.S. or Canada resident to use the vacation getaways. You are making a one-time $47 payment for access into this program. However we do give the option for those who join to build their own websites. If you are not building your own website and would like to recieve our websites, there is an additional $20 one time fee addition to the $47 one time payment. The $20 website fee is paid after joining. If you plan to take advantage of the vacation getaways with this program, there are additional costs involved such as room tax, resort fees and shipping cost for all electronics as discussed on this site. The vacation getaways are not free. They are simply discounted at rates the general public does not have access to. Because you will be given immediate access to the Devant Travels members area and will have access to the vacation getaways, bonus incentives, $2000 shopping cards for hotels and travel, step-by-step training and pre-written ads, we have a very strict NO REFUND POLICY. By purchasing a Devant Travels membership, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. All fees are non-refundable. You agree there are no refunds for any reason and non-use does not constitute a reason for a refund of any kind. As part of our terms and conditions, you agree that you will NOT dispute / chargeback the order for ANY reason.

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